Weather Conception Bay South

Is the weather in Conception Bay South different then the St John’s and Mount Pearl area? I am not a meteorologist, however; I have lived here for over fifty years and have driven for, work purposes, to St John’s for over forty of those years. There is definitely a difference in weather patterns.

Surprisingly, this morning, it’s plus 1 in St John’s and minus 1 here in CBS. Below are some of observations and the reason for the difference. I have driven on both the old Topsail Highway and The Manuel’s Arterial.

The biggest change is in the winter season especially when the temperature is in the freezing or near freezing mode. We have left home in the morning and as we drove we noticed that there was frost on the ground and the vehicles coming towards us had snow on them. If we were having drizzle, it would be freezing rain as we drove towards St John’s. There would always be more snow outside of CBS.

Also, we get less fog and drizzle. The area on The Manuel’s Arterial, near Fowler’s Rd or what locals call Weir’s pit is where we run into or out of fog and drizzle.

The reason is the difference in elevation and I would suspect the waters of Conception Bay. Whatever the reason, we know that we have some of the best weather on The Avalon Peninsula here in Con Bay South.

Photos to follow and hopefully some daily updates. Enjoy your day.

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