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My name is Steve and I love Newfoundland Labrador. I was born, at home, on the Burin peninsula in the town of Creston South.  I guess I could be proudly called a bayman. Our family moved from Creston to Manuel’s in 1957. Back then the roads were gravel and car tires were thin. We had 20 something flat tires. It was quite the road trip.

I went to QERHS in Foxtrap and spent most of my working life, travelling daily, from Con Bay South to St John’s. Now retired, I question my sanity in making those daily trips via Topsail rd to the east end of St John’s.  There are many stories to be told about some of those trips.

Because of family circumstances my wife and I had to spend 8 years living just west of Ottawa. We enjoyed our time there but looked forward to returning home. There were times we would go down to the Ottawa River, in Arnprior and I would imagine I was looking at the ocean. The smell of the ocean was absent.

You look at Newfoundland Labrador differently when you’ve lived away for a few years.

This is home. “Your home is where you heart is” Meaning:It is a set phrase, and it means that your real home is not always where you were born. Instead, your real home is the place that you feel the strongest emotions about, or where your heart is.


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